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(Unfaded Splendor: Myanmar/Burmese Classical Music in TNUA)

展覽日期 │2016年12月21日(三)至2017年3月12日(日)

開幕式 │2016年12月21日(三)下午一點
策展人 │呂心純(中央研究院民族學研究所副研究員)

【展覽介紹】 文 / 呂心純 此次展覽是由中央研究院民族所博物館特展「未褪色的金碧輝煌—緬甸古典音樂的近代發展與多元再現」所衍生。該特展廣受好評,再現出緬甸樂舞及戲劇並重的獨特表演藝術,因此國立臺北藝術大學借重其部分展物,希冀將緬甸表演藝術推廣到北藝大校園和臨近社群。 此次展覽重點,在於展示一套2008年由本校傳統音樂學系所購置的緬甸塞恩 (Hsaìng) 全套樂器。其細緻精工的宮廷裝飾,配有珍稀的「五不像」神獸盤據坐鎮,是緬甸境外難得一見的典藏文物。 同時,本展覽延續前檔特展,側重這套樂器在當代的物質、社會及人文等多元面向,將引領觀眾一覽金碧輝煌的緬甸樂舞世界。其中包括:藉由歷史明信片的展示,呈現二十世紀初期緬甸樂舞展演的多元樣貌;透過音樂文化場景的建立,包括傀儡戲台、男孩入佛儀式與置佛傘儀式,使觀眾能身臨其境,感受塞恩音樂在緬甸日常生活中鮮明多樣的角色;最後,以樂器環物的影片介紹,使之體驗塞恩樂器的繽紛音聲。

This exhibit derives from the well-received museum work “Unfaded Splendor:
Contemporary Development and Multiple Representations of Myanmar/Burmese Classical 
Music,” held at the Institute of Ethnology from Academia Sinica in Taipei. This 
exhibit at the Taipei National University of the Arts features part of Sinica’s 
collection with an aim to carry its spirit of promoting Burmese music and dance. 
This endeavor is of particular significance as Burmese traditional arts have 
undergone a recent metamorphosis due to the country taking a relatively liberal 
stance towards a global audience.

The most prominent showcase of the exhibit is the display of a complete set of 
Hsaìng musical instruments, a percussive ensemble composed of drum sets and gong sets. 
This unique Hsaìng was procured by the TNUA’s Department of Traditional Music in 2008. 
It is of outstanding grandeur decorated with highly exquisite Burmese artwork amongst 
which a pinsayuba, a court-derived mythological creature with a hybrid of five animal 
parts rarely seen outside of Burma, is featured.

This exhibit also highlights the material, social and cultural aspects of the 
contemporary performing arts in which this ensemble is popularly used. In these aspects, 
it represents rich forms occurring in the early twentieth century through the display of 
historical postcards. It also leads the audience to comprehend the roles of Hsaìng music 
in Burmese daily life through the cultural settings such as the puppet show, the Initiation 
ceremony for boys (shinpyu), and the Parasol-placing ceremony (htì-tin pwè). Moreover, 
it presents an introductory section devoted to Burmese musical instruments. By showcasing 
their audio-visual records, it aims to provide the viewer with a glimpse into the dazzling 
world of Burmese classical music.
